
While data, digital analytics, and technology have the possibility of further elevating public relations to a strategic function, many communicators cite barriers, including that many on their teams lack digital data and analytics competency. Researchers interviewed 28 senior-level communicators who have experience working with digital data and analytics. The study sought to examine how communicators are adapting to and leading teams in this data revolution by exploring two primary research questions: (1) What are the perceived opportunities and challenges with digital data and analytics? and (2) How can communicators create an environment to encourage discovery and innovation connected to digital data and analytics? Participants described the challenges of managing vast data streams and alignment, staying current with digital trends and technology, and dealing with the shortcoming of AI tools and algorithms. When asked about opportunities, participants described how communicators are uniquely positioned to align data and analytics efforts to help them understand audiences, foster mutually beneficial relationships with publics, and share stories with these publics and senior counsel that contribute to organizational objectives. Participants said they develop data competency among their communication teams by fostering a creative and curious culture, creating diverse teams, and championing employees. In summary, this study expands understanding of how communicators can evolve and lead in an increasingly data-driven world.

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