
Objective To explore Kautilya Arthashastra through the eyes of Ayurveda.Methodology The data was collected from Kautilya Arthashastra by R. Shamasastry and Ayurvedic classics such as Charaka Samhitha Sushruta Samhita Astanga Hridaya and Astanga Sangraha and the material available online has been thoroughly screened. A search was carried out with keywords like Ayurveda Kautilya Arthashastra resulting in one article which mainly focused on Dravyaguna Rasasastra and Bhaishajya kalpana branch of Ayurveda. Literary review which dealt with Ayurveda had been gathered from Kautilya Arthashastra.Compression and analysis of concepts had been done with the help of Ayurveda classics Charaka Samhitha Sushruta Samhita Astanga Hridaya and Astanga Sangraha.Results The content was divided into two parts - the first one dealt with Agada Tantra one among the eight specialities of Ayurveda like Visha Parikshan Padhhati Vishadusta Anna Laxana AgniparikshaVisha KanyaVishadata Laksana and Visha Chikitsa. The second one dealt with Chikitsain general.viz application of mantra drug induced pigmentation and some miraculous formulations have been explored.Conclusion Ancient literatures like Puranas Upanisads and other Shastras have scattered literature of medicine and its branches. This gives a rough idea about the knowledge of the ancient scholars of Ayurveda medicine. In the same way the ancient Kautilyarsquos Arthashastra has many descriptions related to medicine. There are many drugs and other concepts which are new and unique in Arthashastra.nbsp

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