
The critical role that the major histocompatibility complex plays in the immune recognition of parasites and pathogens makes its evolutionary dynamics exceptionally relevant to ecology, population biology, and conservation studies. The black muntjac is a rare deer endemic to a small mountainous region in eastern China. We found that this species has two DQA loci through cDNA expression and sequence variation analysis. The level of variation at both DQA loci was found to be extremely low (three alleles for DQA1 and four alleles for DQA2), possibly because of past bottlenecks and the species' relatively solitary behavior pattern. The ratio of d(N)/d(S) in the putative peptide binding region of the DQA2 locus (13.36, P = 0.012) was significantly larger than one but not that of DQA1 (0.94, P = 0.95), suggesting strong positive selection at the DQA2 but not at the DQA1 locus. This difference might reflect different sets of evolutionary selection pressures acting on the two loci. The phylogenetic tree showed that DQA1 alleles from two species of Cervidae and two of Bovidae grouped together, as did the DQA2 alleles. However, different genes from the four species were located in separate branches. These results lead us to suggest that these DQA alleles are derived from primordial DQA genes from a common ancestor and are maintained in Cervidae and Bovidae since their divergence around 25.5-27.8 million years ago.

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