
Body condition indices (BCI – mass scaled by size) are widely used in ecological studies. They presumably reflect variations of endogenous fat reserves in free-ranging animals. In the field, however, accurately quantifying internal body reserves is a difficult task. This is especially true in armoured animals where convenient clues that may guide BCI assessment (e.g. visible subcutaneous fat deposits) remain inaccessible. Alternatively, inclusive dissections may provide anatomical abacuses to estimate body reserves in living individuals. Sacrificing animals for this purpose is not acceptable. We opportunistically tested the ability of BCI to estimate body reserves in 13 free-ranging Hermann's tortoises (Gmelin, 1789) dissected soon after they died from natural causes. On average, BCI values were lower in dissected tortoises relative to living individuals (N > 10,000 measurements), but they remained within the range of variation of the studied populations. Shell mass relative to body mass was high and showed considerable inter-individual variation (33.5% to 52.3%). Stomach and digestive tract content represented another important and variable part of total body mass (4.4% to 14.5%). The contribution of fat bodies was negligible (0.0% to 0.5%). Overall, in the studied tortoises, variations of body condition are weakly determined by variations of fat stores. Other endogenous (e.g. muscles, visceral tissues, liver) and “exogenous” (e.g. digestive tract content, clutch) elements should be considered to better understand age and sex specific life-history trade-offs faced by chelonians.

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