
Abstract Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) and the Oweekeno Nation (ON) have undertaken a cooperative assessment of inshore Tanner crab, Chionoecetes bairdi, in support of developing a fishery for this species in Rivers Inlet, British Columbia (B.C.). This paper presents information regarding distribution, relative abundance, and biological characteristics of C. bairdi in Rivers Inlet. The results from exploratory trap and trawl surveys and a mark-recapture program carried out between January 2004 through March 2005 by DFO and the ON are presented. Trawling proved unsuccessful at capturing Tanner crabs. C. bairdi were found distributed throughout Rivers Inlet (except Fitz Hugh Sound), but were not overly abundant. Some areas supported more Tanner crabs than others; crabs were more abundant in Draney Inlet and Darby Channel. C. bairdi were found at depths ranging from 36–340 m with greatest abundance of males at 50–150 m and females at 100–200 m. Male C. bairdi ranged in size from 4–137 mm carapace width (...

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