
The objective of the study was to evaluate the efficacy of insecticidal compounds used against aphids (BAA, CPA, PA, and SAA) on alfalfa grown for hay production, under low desert growing conditions. A field study was conducted during the spring of 2015 at the UC Desert Research and Extension Center, Holtville, CA. A stand of alfalfa, VAR. ‘CUF 101’ was used for the experiment. The experimental design was RCB using four replicates, with twelve insecticide treatments and an untreated check. Plots measured 13.3 ft by 50 ft. Insecticide treatments are listed in the tables. The foliar insecticide spray treatments were applied on 3 Feb 2015. Broadcast spray applications were made with a handheld, CO2 propelled, four-row sprayer operated at 30 psi, delivering 20 gpa through 10 nozzles (TJ-8001.5) with a 13.3-ft spray swath. An adjuvant, RNA Activator 85 (Manufactured by: RNA, PO Box 210, San Joaquin, CA …

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