
The world is the combination of the five Bhudas. In this Sangha literature is the reason for our Tamil language to get a better place and a classical language qualification. In that way, according to the rules stated by Tolkappiyar and Nannular from the literatures such as Natriana, Kurundogai, Ainkuruhunuru, Agananunuru, and Kalittokai, these literatures are mentioned as internal part of Sangam literature, about the snails, conchs, panilams, clams, oysters, palakarai–(chozhi) which have senses, ability and language, and other creatures related to them. The purpose of this article is to clearly explain the news about the amphibians and the places they live in, their different types, the conditions they live in, the methods of destruction of those organisms and the reasons for that. Due to the development of today's civilization, the various resources and living things found in the country are being destroyed and are going towards destruction. This article explains the serious intention that the future generations should realize this and act

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