
To prepare people to live in the 21st century successfully, it is needed more than subject contents. It is very crucial for the people to know in how to apply their skills and knowledge by critical thinking, using knowledge in new situations, comprehending new ideas, collaborating, communicating, problems solving, decision making and so on. This research is an innovation of disruptive education that aims to design learning models that can empower students' critical thinking skills through descriptive analysis based on data and literature review. This study used a sample of 180 high school students in the city of Surakarta, Indonesia. The results of the measurement of students' critical thinking skills in the category are very lacking in all aspects, for instance, 52.80% of analysis aspect, 37.28% of inference aspects, 45.16% of explanation aspect, 35.01% of self-regulation aspect are in very low criteria as well as 41.14% of interpretation aspects in very poor criteria. The results of measurement of students' creative thinking skills also shows very concerning category in all aspects involving: fluency of 45.83% of fluency aspect, 42.50% of flexibility aspect, 44.86% originality aspect, and 47.50% of elaboration aspect are all in very low criteria. Literature review results also found that chemistry teachers’ design model has not maximized the ability to think critically so that it needs a learning design that can empower critical thinking skills. Through a data-based literature study a form of inquiry social complexity (ISC) model was formulated to empower critical thinking skills.

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