
This paper re-examines existing data on the environmental inputs governing egg production in Rhodnius prolixus. Feeding has a direct effect on egg production such that the product of the unfed weight of the female times the weight of the blood meal is a good predictor of the number of eggs produced. Mating modifies this input, so that mated females produce more eggs. Egg production is governed by the corpus allatum, and indirect evidence suggests that the number of eggs producted by a female is a function of the length of time that juvenile hormone is secreted by the corpus allatum. The input which determines the times at which the corpus allatum is switched off originates in the stretch induced by the amount of the meal remaining in the crop, modified by the matedness status of the female. The precise nature of the sensors detecting stretch is not yet clear, but the integrity of the dorsal aorta is essential to the transmission of the information. These data are related to the survival strategy for Rhodnius.

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