
Two mangrove sites in the tropical island of Catanduanes in Bicol Region,Philippines (Lat.13.5°–14.17° N and Long. 124.1°–125.5° E) are described hereusing a paradigm for mangrove habitat restoration of mangroves that considersanthropogenic degradation and restoration following natural disturbances within the concept of climate change solution initiatives. What remains unclear for restoring the mangroves in this island are the needed (a) specific tools for landand sea-use zoning as well as integrated coastal management and ecosystembasedmanagementconcepts;(b)information[e.g.existingstressorsorresistantareas]onmanagingmangrovesforresiliencetoclimatechange;and(c)designsand ways on how to present these climate programs to the local coastal dwelling communities vis a vis sea level rise, typhoons, tidal or storm surges andtsunamis. Obstacles encountered by the local people are the (a) inappropriatepolitical intervention at the municipal/provincial levels; (b) lack of knowledge,expertise and baseline data about the biophysical conditions of the mangroveareas; and (c) differing and diverse intents on the mangrove resources leadingto communication gaps. Climate biology studies assessing plant and animalresponses to the effects of changes in typhoon patterns are needed. Finally,mangrove restoration programmes may use the Vulnerability and Adaptation (V& A) approach and address the notion that highly vulnerable coastal villagesmust evolve within the notion of “coastal management as a basic service of localgovernment”.Keywords - Mangroves, mangrove restoration, tropical islands, climate change, coastalvillages, coastal vegetation, Philippines

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