
Introduction: Acute care is a type of time-sensitive care, this is due to an acute condition requiring rapid intervention. Acute conditions that exist in the inpatient unit would require special care in handling. This acute condition can affect many things, one of which is the patient satisfaction. With proper treatment for acute cases, the course will improve patient satisfaction itself. However, to date, acute care has been poorly defined and inadequately supported in most developing health systems. Aims of Study: This research aims to determine nurses’ perception on the implementation of inpatient acute nursing care in the Hasanuddin University Hospital. Method: This research was a qualitative method, data collection using individual interviews against ten participants (inpatient nurses) and validity checks of the data that utilizes something beyond the data. Data analyze used thematic analysis. Result: The results of the research yield four themes. Those four themes are perception of acute conditions, supporting factors in the management of patients with acute conditions, inhibiting factors in the management of patients with acute conditions, and nurses’ hope for acute care. Conclusion: From this research it is known that the incidence of acute conditions in the inpatient unit of Hasanuddin University Hospital less than chronic conditions. To handle acute cases, nurse in the inpatient unit take action early by monitoring vital signs, then immediately gave emergency action if necessary, while collaborating with the doctor. Supporting factors for nurses is the availability of emergency trolly, as well as cooperation among nurses who are good. Whereas the inhibiting factor is the number of nurses who are still lacking and the absence of code blue team. Advice from researchers, to health institutions is expected to be able to form a rapid response team (code blue), so that patients with serious/acute condition can be handled more quickly and efficiently, so that the implementation of nursing, especially nursing acute to run well and the nurse also will not experience in serving patients overwhelmed.


  • Acute care is a type of time-sensitive care

  • this is due to an acute condition requiring rapid intervention

  • Acute conditions that exist in the inpatient unit would require special care

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PEMBAHASAN Persepsi tentang Kondisi Akut

Tema pertama mengenai persepsi tentang kondisi akut di ruang rawat inap menghasilkan dua kategori. Penelitian ini melibatkan semua pasien yang ada di ruang rawat inap RSUD Majene, dimana karakteristik dari pasien berdasarkan jenis penyakitnya ialah lebih banyak pasien dengan kondisi kronis (53,2 persen) dibandingkan dengan kondisi akut (46,8 persen). Partisipan menjelaskan implementasi TBaK, yaitu saat mendengar instruksi dari dokter via telpon, perawat harus betul-betul melakukan konfirmasi kembali terhadap semua instruksi yang disampaikan. Partisipan menjelaskan bahwa saat menelpon dokter, perawat menjelaskan semua kondisi pasien, dimana perawat menjelaskan tentang keadaan pasien (situation), riwayat penyakit pasien (background), tindakan yang sudah dan sedang dilakukan (assessment), lalu meminta saran atau rekomendasi dari dokter (recommendation) dengan memperhatikan TBaK tadi. Renz (dalam Nazri, Juhariah, & Arif, 2015) menjelaskan bahwa model teknik komunikasi SBAR dapat membantu perawat untuk mengorganisasi cara berpikir, mengorganisasi informasi, dan merasa lebih percaya diri berkomunikasi dengan dokter

Faktor pendukung dalam penatalaksanaan pasien dengan kondisi akut
Faktor penghambat dalam penatalaksanaan pasien dengan kondisi akut
Harapan perawat untuk keperawatan akut
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