
Inozoans are described from patch reefs on the carbonate platform of eastern Sichuan, from the uppermost Permian Laolongdong reefs in the Changxing Formation (Kazanian–Tatarian) at Beipei, northwest of Chongqing, and from Middle and Upper Permian reefs from the Maokou (Kungurian), Wujiaping (Ufimian), and Changxing Formations at Xiangbo, Longlin County, in northwestern Guangxi. Classification of inozoans, particularly late Paleozoic ones, is still in a state of flux, but genera recognized to date can be keyed using the general nature of the spongocoel, canals, and growth form.New genera described areIntratubospongia, Grossotubenella, Cavusonella, andRadicanalospongia. The new species described areStellispongia radiata, S. minor, Peronidella beipeiensis, P. regulara, P. parva, Intratubospongia typica, I. tenuiperforata, I. multisi-phonata, I. minima, Grossotubenella parallela, Cavusonella caverna, andRadicanalospongia normala. ACorynellathat is not identifiable to species and a sphinctozoan-like inozoan(?) sp. A that has a fibrous-appearing internal skeleton but is poorly preserved are also described. Inozoans and other sponges are major frame-builders in the Permian reefs of South China and our fauna is one of the most diverse late Paleozoic assemblages described to date.

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