
This study aims to look at the impact of innovation on competitive advantage along with the role of Information Technology and entrepreneurial orientation as a driver for innovation. The increasingly fierce competition is not only from domestic products but also foreign products that are increasingly free to enter Indonesia. MSME products must be ready to compete on an international scale. If not, many MSMEs in Indonesia will suffer. MSMEs with small capital will also lose out to entrepreneurs with large capital to survive in this globalization influence. The government really must accompany and support the needs of MSMEs to develop and be ready to compete in globalization. The sample consists of MSME Entrepreneurs in the Jakarta area, there are 193 MSME Entrepreneurs who participate. Sampling using purposive sampling from BPS DKI Jakarta data, with criteria for companies that have 10-300 employees and a net worth of 50 million to 2.5 billion (Law Number 20/2008 concerning Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises). Data were collected through a mail survey (google forms) and analyzed using multiple regression analysis. The results of this study indicate that innovation significantly and positively affects competitive advantage. The influence of Information Technology and entrepreneurial orientation on innovation also has a positive and significant effect. The results of this study also have two implementations: theoretical implementation where the results provide support for the right role of innovation in creating competitive advantage and its role in the Use of Information Technology and entrepreneurial orientation towards innovation. And Managerial implementation that MSME Entrepreneurs must focus on developing organizational values and capacities to encourage the creation of new business solutions. This resource is an entrepreneurial orientation based on information technology. Keywords: Competitive Advantage, Innovation, Information Technology, MSMEs


  • Memiliki dua implementasi: implementasi secara teoritis di mana hasilnya memberikan dukungan untuk peran inovasi yang tepat dalam menciptakan keunggulan kompetitif dan perannya dalam Penggunaan Teknologi Informasi dan orientasi kewirausahaan menuju inovasi

  • This study aims to look at the impact of innovation on competitive advantage along with the role of Information Technology and entrepreneurial orientation as a driver for innovation

  • The results of this study indicate that innovation significantly and positively affects competitive advantage

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Merupakan konsep lebih luas yang meliputi penerapan dari ide, produk, atau proses yang baru. Luasnya lini produk yang dimiliki sebuah perusahaan memengaruhi nilai dan pangsa pasar yang dapat diperoleh. Semakin tepat sebuah produk/jasa dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan, maka semakin besar nilai yang akan diberikan oleh pelanggan untuk produk/jasa tersebut. 2. Lebih unggul dari apa yang dimiliki pesaing, seperti: kualitas, kesesuaian produk, daya tahan, harga, sistem pembayaran, pelayanan, pemeliharaan, penawaran produk purna jual, delivery order, discount harga, garansi produk dan kemasan 3. 4. Mempunyai keunggulan baru, seperti unggul dalam ukuran produk, rasa, distribusi produk, posisi pasar, dan teknologi yang digunakan, dan lain sebagainya. 5. Memiliki keunggulan mutlak, yaitu suatu keunggulan yang harus diciptakan dimana pihak pesaing akan kalah bersaing dengan adanya keunggulan tersebut, misalnya bidang sumber daya manusia, kepemimpinan, organisasi, strategi bisnis, teknologi, kualitas, inovasi, promosi, modal, sistem jaringan, komunikasi, dan lain-lain. Memiliki strategi dan kebijakan strategis yang tepat, misalnya strategi biaya rendah, pembedaan produk, stabilitas, bertahan hidup, ekspansi produk atau pabrik, kualitas, harga, pelayanan, dan sebagainya

Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi
Fungsi Manajemen Sumber Daya
Teknologi Informasi dan Orientasi
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