
Septic shock is a life-threatening condition characterized by a complex underlying mechanism that requires a multidimensional treatment approach. Sepsis-induced cardiomyopathy plays a significant role in the development of multiple organ failure. The focus of this review is to determine the evidence-based data of the commonly used inotropic drugs in the management of septic shock during clinical hypoperfusion and reduced myocardial performance. Current guidelines recommend adding dobutamine to norepinephrine or using epinephrine alone in septic-induced cardiomyopathy, while suggesting against the use of levosimendan. Although dobutamine increases cardiac contractility and heart rate, it also decreases systemic vascular resistance. Epinephrine has a greater potency than dobutamine but does not demonstrate a clinical difference in hemodynamic improvement. Milrinone is preferred for cases involving pulmonary hypertension and right ventricular failure but should be avoided in the presence of renal dysfunction. Levosimendan improves cardiac performance and promotes coronary blood flow, but later evidence mentioned significant arrhythmia compared to other inotropic agents. Due to the narrow therapeutic window of these agents, precise therapeutic targets are crucial.

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