
The role of innovation as a driving force of economic well-being has become widely accepted not only in the UK but in mainland Europe and North America. The European Union has placed particular emphasis on innovation as a critical factor in its efforts to close the prosperity gap between the rich, 'core' regions of Europe (northern Germany, northern France, the 'low countries' and the south of England) and the 'less-favoured' peripheral regions of Europe (southern Europe, the Iberian Peninsula and the Celtic fringes) (European Commission, 1995, 1996). In late 1998, the UK government firmly endorsed the EU's emphasis on innovation in its own competitiveness White Paper, Our Competitive Future (DTI, 1998).KeywordsSupply ChainInnovation ActivityInnovation SurveyCompetitive FutureCentral Government DepartmentThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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