
In parallel with world population growth, demand for healthy and clean agricultural products is increasing day by day. To satisfy expected increases in agricultural products within traditional methods becomes more and more difficult, considering the climate change and soil degradation. There is a need to adopt and develop innovative agricultural practices. One of the most effective and new methods that can be used is Aeroponics. Aeroponics is a process of growing plants, within a controlled environment, in the absence of soil, with a small amount of water, using a minimum area of 3-dimensional greenhouse farming, where the cultivation period, compared to the traditional, is faster and prolonged throughout the year. Regarding this matter, we find it reassuring, that Georgian companies are not lagging behind the current global processes and are actively involved in refining or developing the Aeroponics system. The advantages of Aeroponics over the traditional method (Geoponics) can be classified as follows: • Requires less water. • Plant fertility does not depend on soil quality, or weather conditions. moreover, soil is not required at any stage of plant vegetation. • Has the highest vegetation per square meter compared to all other existing methods (Geoponics, Hydroponics), which is due to the possibility of 3-dimensional farming in Aeroponics. • Reduces transportation cost, since greenhouses can be organized directly in the cities and in urban areas. • The plans can be planted all year round regardless of meteorological conditions and seasonality. • Since nutrients and minerals are systematically provided to the plants’ roots, the process of its growth and consequently fertility lasts longer than the traditional method. As for disadvantages of using Aeroponics can be summarize as following: • At the beginning stage, set up costs of all components for the Aeroponics are relatively high. • Aeroponics requires specialized knowledge not only regarding the needs for plants, but also of the whole electronic systems and tools, which are widely used in Aeronautics (for example: pH / EC / humidity meter, timers, high pressure atomizers, etc.) • Even minor mistakes can have negative effect. Specifically, if the plants do not get exactly as many vital minerals as needed, they will not survive. As already mentioned, soil is not used in Aeronautics which would neutralize excess minerals or nutrients. In conclusion, Aeroponics is the one of the most innovative and efficient ways of farming, which promises sustainable future production of the agricultural products. Furthermore, Aeroponics has minimal or no negative impact on the environment, while traditional farming uses water and land resources insufficiently.

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