
This paper describes the innovative pediatric development strategy of secukinumab in psoriasis. Initially, this pediatric development had been planned early during the adult development program. This is common for most development programs as it is required by law in major regions worldwide. At that time, only limited experience with secukinumab's mechanism of action was available, especially in the pediatric population for which no data had been collected yet. Pediatric extrapolation frameworks were not in use. As a result, a standard pediatric program had initially been proposed requiring two relatively large placebo-controlled pivotal trials. However, as experience with the use of secukinumab grew, so did experience with-and regulatory openness to-innovative quantitative approaches, such as extrapolation. It became clear that the pediatric development of secukinumab could be substantially accelerated by these novel ideas. Here, we report how these concepts were implemented in the pediatric development program of secukinumab in psoriasis, using a wide range of innovative quantitative techniques. This strategy led to the removal of the placebo arm from one trial, a substantial reduction of the overall sample size in this program, and a significantly faster approval of secukinumab for the pediatric psoriasis population.

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