
Formulation of the problem. The problems of pedagogical system, innovative methods of education and training of specialists, use of new teaching methods based on computer information technologies and distance learning platforms, use of innovative methods and distance learning platforms in the implementation of online education are considered. According to statistical research, the effectiveness of the traditional pedagogical system is no more than sixty percent. Innovative methods of training specialists in education are the use of new methods that qualitatively increase the effectiveness of ways and means of presenting information compared to the traditional system, learning to find the necessary information independently, checking its adequacy and learnability. Such innovations and novelties can be the use of computer technology and the Internet, and, especially now, of distance learning and communication technology.
 Materials and methods. The methods include content analysis, synthesis, comparison, description of the obtained research results, generalization.
 Results. The existing solutions for remote learning (distance learning platforms), using computer telecommunications, were analyzed: Meet, iSpring, WebTutor, GetCourse, Google Classroom, Microsoft Teams, Moodle, Blackboard Learning System, LMS «Prometheus», The Virtual Laboratory, VirtuLab and ZILLION, video communication and conference programs: Zoom, YouTube, Viber, Skype and others. All these platforms have their own characteristics and features, and their use lies in the possibilities of application in educational institutions and personal preferences of teachers and students. All distance learning platforms are web-based and therefore the requirements for client computers are minimal. The analysis of the remote learning technologies used allows us to determine the basic necessary and sufficient set of software tools that need to be applied for the full operation of the platform in the application of distance learning technologies. Microsoft Teams is suggested as a possible platform for distance learning.
 Conclusion. Application of remote technologies and software in creation of hardware-distance scientific-educational systems will lead to low cost of software product both for developers and customers (reduction of expenses on additional software) and will provide attraction of a wide range of users due to low system requirements and possibility of use in mobile devices. And usage of Microsoft Teams distance learning platform allows implementing a wide range of capabilities, which this platform has: video communication, different types of communication, provision of all kinds of materials, demonstration of any participant's screen during broadcast for the whole group, list of participants and attendance control, polling, possibility to record events and their further viewing, administration of all processes from the learning side, etc.

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