
The ability to work with knowledge and outrun competitors in the interdisciplinary search for innovative solutions and breakthrough technologies is gaining prevailing importance in the context of the formation of a new economy as a particular historical form of development, characterized by a structural shift towards the increase in the share and role of science-intensive and creative industries in the reproductive potential of a country / region. As a result, the study of problems, the intensification of innovative activity in the context of the modern challenges of global economic dynamics is of particular relevance. The purpose of the work is to analyze modern scientific and applied problems of innovative modernization of the economy of Russian regions, taking into account the increasing intellectualization of all types of activities and the factors that have a direct impact on the formation of regional competitive advantages. The reasons for the low efficiency of the innovative development mechanism of national regions are determined. The key problems and tasks of the formation of regional competitive advantages in the context of updating the innovative type of development are identified. The recommendations are offered and the directions for the improvement of innovative development mechanism at the regional level are determined taking into account the priorities of competitive development. It is concluded that the economy of a region should be focused on the formation of a continuous innovation cycle that allows the effective implementation of innovations in practice and integration them into the systems of technological division of labor.

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