
Digital civilization, affecting all aspects of life, is actively entering the social sphere, providing a higher level of social activity. In this regard, the use of digital technologies is being updated, contributing to a change in the ways in which knowledge, skills, and professional competencies are created, formed and transferred. The digitalization of the education system and the creation of a digital space of the university is associated with a new vector of Russia's development. In this vein, the system of personnel training is being improved in order to develop the social basis of the city, its social cluster, as well as for the most important function of the welfare state - supporting social "risk groups" in need of additional social protection. The digitalization of education gives an additional impetus to self-organization initiatives, promotes the development of modeling and forecasting. When selecting the content of education, the structural units of the content are ordered, forming the integrity and completeness of the module. Digitalization develops not only vertical, but also horizontal connections of the educational environment of the institution, which is especially important for social specialists, in whose practice the use of an interdepartmental approach is one of the requirements of professional activity in working with “risk groups”. The most pressing problems that require innovative consideration in the preparation of future specialists are the following: organization of social services for elderly citizens, people with disabilities, families with children and in need; assistance in adaptation and socialization of people who need social support in the process of rehabilitation, adaptation, education, vocational training and employment.

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