
The processes of reform in Russia continue unabated since the beginning of the 1990s to transform itself to a large extent the university experience and academic science. To join the general foreshortening of the changes are capable of much more. However, new conditions give us not only negative aspects in the functioning of research teams, but also provide opportunities to prove themselves the most flexible and dynamic one.In the prevailing circumstances, the financing of the Russian science is divided into three components: scientific research institutions of higher education, academic science (which includes dominant in all respects, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Russian Academy of Education, Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences), and grantors (Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation). Nowadays we observe the transition to the new principles that determine the effectiveness of scientists and scientific schools. Therefore, the leaders of research teams in addition to the research functions should carry the functions of promoting its own image. At the same time, available to modern scholars are the tools that are fairly detailed methodological apparatus.A natural solution of difficulties arising from the transformation of modern Russian science, serves to reorient the activities of research groups. Now the task of ensuring the scientific work includes not only research, but also to identify sources of funding, monitoring budgets, ensuring figuring in high positions in the Russian and international citation index.Thus, the circumstances appear so that the leader of the research team to take on additional functions, sometimes unrelated to its core business. Now head of Russian scientific school should mandatory use of space online, open publication of reports, continuous interaction with the media. In addition, this type of relationship sets the tone for increased public awareness about the country's major scientific research and discoveries.

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