
The article summarizes and systematizes the features of innovative activity of food industry enterprises in Ukraine. The dynamics of the volume and structure of expenditures of food industry enterprises on innovations is analyzed. The importance of implementing marketing innovations, which are a priority for EU companies, has been clarified. In Ukraine, preference is given to technological and product innovations that give the fastest results. It is proved that the level of innovative activity of Ukrainian food industry enterprises is insufficient to ensure the development of the industry on the basis of an innovative model and effective modernization. Sources of financing of innovative activity of food industry enterprises in Ukraine are characterized. It is established that the key source of funding for innovative development is the own funds of enterprises, which account for more than 80% of all resources. The problems of innovation development in Ukraine are identified: political instability, lack of rule of law, difficulties in obtaining financial resources, low rates of introduction of information and communication technologies. The advantages of introducing innovations in the food industry are clarified: increase of labor productivity due to automation of production; improving product quality; expansion of product markets; increasing the competitiveness of products. The main results of innovation implementation are clarified: increase of assortment; improving product quality; preservation and expansion of traditional markets; growth of production capacities, reduction of expenses. The priority tasks of the state regulation of innovative development for the near future are determined: stimulation of innovative activity; improving the system of protection of intellectual property rights; development of the state strategy of innovative development of the food industry; preservation and development of human resources.

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