
Topicality. The global and local crises over the past two decades have redefined the role of social protection and social security systems as automatic social and economic stabilizers. Despite the level of economic development of the country, the global experience indicates that countries with a well-defined social strategy are less difficult and suffer less time to stabilize the country. Effective state social policy is relevant in times of economic crisis and is necessary to alleviate internal market disfunction. It is worth to admit that annually from the state budget of Ukraine almost 70% of social expenditures are redistributed to programs for improving the standard of living of the needy. However, despite the efforts of government officials, the level of poverty is increasing annually, and the problem is the mass outflow of workforce abroad. The current situation in the field of social security and its level of financing is unsatisfactory, since it does not contribute to the overall improvement of the standard and quality of life of the population, and therefore requires regulation with the introduction of fundamental changes in social budgeting. Aim and tasks The purpose of the study was to determine the argumentation based on the study of the world experience of national priorities of social policy modification and substantiation of innovative design of social transfer programs in the conditions of spreading threats of globalization challenges and strengthening of the turbulence of the macroeconomic environment. Research results. As a result of studying foreign experience, the authors of the article found that the social policy of a successful country is intended to fulfil a regulative and stimulating role in ensuring the development of the economy and creating conditions for the effective functioning of the social protection system, social security and social services, the activity of which should be not only an "act of charity", but a way to increase the economic activity of the working classes and support other segments of the population to ensure a decent life for the whole community. However, over the years of independence, Ukraine's social policy has never been shaped as a coherent, integrated strategy. It is in fact replaced by the accumulation of various types of poorly justified and not supported by the possibilities of budget financing of payments, benefits, subsidies, etc. The establishment and functioning of the national social security system is undoubtedly important, but the objective need to formulate a social transfer policy in order to find ways to optimize the social sphere by enhancing the effectiveness of the social transfer tool that must be taken into account. Conclusions. The research made it possible to substantiate the position of the authors, which is that the permanent nature of the socio-economic crisis in Ukraine forces to work on the development of anti-crisis measures in the social sphere. This requires constant updating of the tools of the social protection system, social security and social services as automatic state social stabilizers and economic incentives to activate life and well-being of the population. In times of crisis and post-crisis periods, social policies should aim to compensate for the loss of economic benefits not only for the population in need, but also for the proportion of the population in need because of the crisis. Therefore, the state, through social programs, must “insure” a decent standard of living for the entire population of the country, especially in times of crisis.


  • Це вимагає постійного оновлення інструментарію системи соціального захисту, соціального забезпечення та соціального обслуговування як автоматичних державних соціальних стабілізаторів та економічних стимулів для активації життєдіяльності і добробуту населення

  • The global and local crises over the past two decades have redefined the role of social protection and social security systems as automatic social and economic stabilizers

  • Effective state social policy is relevant in times of economic crisis and is necessary to alleviate internal market disfunction

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В результаті вивчення закордонного досвіду авторами статті встановлено, що соціальна політика успішної країни покликана виконувати регулюючу й стимулюючу роль у забезпеченні розвитку економіки й створенні умов для ефективного функціонування системи соціального захисту, соціального забезпечення та соціального обслуговування, діяльність якої повинна бути не лише «актом благодійництва», а способом посилення економічної активності працездатних верств та підтримки інших верств населення для забезпечення гідного життя всього суспільства. В період кризи та посткризовий період соціальна політика має бути націлена на компенсування втрат економічних благ не лише для верств населення, які перебувають у хронічній нужденності, а й тієї частки населення, що через кризу потрапляє в стан нужденності. Despite the level of economic development of the country, the global experience indicates that countries with a well-defined social strategy are less difficult and suffer less time to stabilize the country. The current situation in the field of social security and its level of financing is unsatisfactory, since it does not contribute to the overall improvement of the standard and quality of life of the population, and requires regulation with the introduction of fundamental changes in social budgeting

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