
Attitude determination and control systems (ADCS) represent a critical facet of CubeSat missions, orchestrating the precise orientation and stabilization of these small satellites in the space environment. This paper presents a comprehensive design and development of an ADCS tailored for CubeSats, harnessing a reaction wheel system to deliver a cost-effective and dependable solution for small satellite applications. The research begins by elucidating the requisites and specifications for the ADCS and then delves into the design phase, complemented by intricate modelling and simulation employing MATLAB Simulink and the Webots Simulator. The results of this study underscore the exceptional performance of the proposed ADCS configuration, leveraging the reaction wheel model. This system demonstrates an unparalleled capacity to achieve precise and controlled attitude adjustments, well within the defined parameters. Furthermore, this research underscores the pivotal role played by efficient system design, meticulous simulation, and rigorous testing in the triumphant implementation of ADCS, greatly enhancing CubeSat missions and their contributions to the realm of space exploration and technology innovation. This comprehensive approach to the design and testing of an ADCS for CubeSats ensures that these diminutive satellites continue to make significant strides in space missions, paving the way for an exciting future of space research and technology development.

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