
<h3>Introduction</h3> 84% of people own smartphones and view them 14 billion times daily, making them potential vectors for environmental hazards such as allergens, <i>β</i>-D glucans (BDG) and endotoxin. Whether these toxins are prevalent and the effectiveness of cleaning solutions targeting these agents on smartphones has not been studied. Objective: To determine (1) whether phones are reservoirs of allergen, endotoxin and BDG and, (2) if present can be effectively reduced using specific cleaning methods. <h3>Methods</h3> ElectroStatic Wipes (ESW) used to wipe phones of 15 volunteers were measured for allergens, BDG, and endotoxin levels. Cleaning interventions were done on simulated phone models testing 70% isopropyl alcohol, Clorox non-bleach (0.184% benzyl and ethyl benzyl ammonium chloride), 0.12% chlorhexidine, 0.05% cetylpyridinium, 3% benzyl benzoate, and 3% tannic acid wipes compared to no solution wipes (control). <h3>Results</h3> Smartphones showedhigh and variable levels of BDG and endotoxin. Cat and dog allergens were mostly found on smartphones of pet owners. Combination chlorhexidine/cetylpyridinium significantly reduced BDG (mean 269 versus 1.925 control, ng/wipe, P<0.05) and endotoxin, (mean 349 versus 1320 control, EU/wipe, P<0.05). Combination benzyl benzoate/tannic acid significantly reduced cat and dog allergens (dog: mean 14 versus 407 control, ng/wipeP<0.001; cat: mean 55 versus 1550 control, ng/wipe, P<0.001). The combination mixture solutions had the greatest reductions compared to control. <h3>Conclusions</h3> There are elevated levels of BDG, allergens, and endotoxin on smartphones. Combination chlorhexidine/cetylpyridinium was the most effective in reducing BDG and endotoxin and combination benzyl benzoate/tannic acid most effectively reduced cat and dog allergens on smartphones.

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