
Demand Responsive Transport (DRT) services are widely available forms of transport around the world. They are alternatives to public transport systems and the increasingly popular shared mobility systems. Along with their development, various types of solutions that could improve them are searched for. One of the innovative forms of improving DRT systems is the implementation of autonomous vehicle fleet systems. Then this type of connection can take the form of an autonomous car-sharing. Such vehicles with DRT systems are currently not available in Europe and are only used in selected insulated conditions worldwide. Noting a research gap in the field of models representing the detailed process of DRT systems operation with the use of autonomous vehicles, we proposed our own demand-responsive shuttle bus system model that can be implemented in ZalaZONE proving ground in Hungary. The model was presented in the form of a diagram, which is analyzed successively in the article. What is more the article identifying challenges of applying low-speed self-driving (trajectory tracking) minibuses in DRT and the preliminary tasks to be completed in order to prepare for the future introduction of such a service. Specific parameters, conditions and possibilities for vehicle and operation options (for DRT) are explored by taking a systematic process-oriented approach. As a result, system connections are identified and the condition system for setting up such a service is analyzed.

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