
In pursuit of sustainability, we explored replacing conventional dissolved air floatation (DAF) in poultry processing wastewater (PPW) treatment with a precisely tuned 0.02 µm stainless-steel ultrafiltration (SSUF) membrane. SSUF is a robust, homogenously porous membrane with strong chemical resistance, ease of cleaning, and exceptional resistance to organic fouling. Unlike polymeric membranes, it can be regenerated multiple times, making it a cost-effective choice due to its compatibility with harsh chemical cleaning. The PPW used for the study was untreated wastewater from all processing units and post-initial screening. Our study revealed the SSUF membrane's exceptional efficiency at eliminating contaminants. It achieved an impressive removal rate of up to 99.9% for total suspended solids (TSS), oil, grease, E. coli, and coliform. Additionally, it displayed a notable reduction in chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), and total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), up to 90%, 76%, and 76%, respectively. Our investigation further emphasized the SSUF membrane's ability in pathogen removal, affirming its capacity to effectively eradicate up to 99.99% of E. coli and coliform. The measured critical flux of the membrane was 48 Lm-2h-1 at 38 kPa pressure and 1.90 m/s cross-flow velocity. In summary, our study highlights the considerable potential of the SSUF membrane. Its robust performance treating PPW offers a promising avenue for reducing its environmental impact and advocating for sustainable wastewater management practices.

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