
Education in Ukraine is undergoing a significant transformation. The pedagogy of the modern stage of the development of Ukrainian education is marked by its innovation. Since 2020, in connection with unforeseen challenges, educational institutions widely practice distance and blended learning and automatically began to use flipped learning and elements of bilingual learning to a certain extent. After all, many pupils and teachers ended up abroad, and such training helps to integrate into the global world. Already at an early age, a child develops innovative thinking, which is expressed in receptivity and the creation of new things. The pupils' thinking in school lessons is developed by the teacher, in particular, to the greatest extent by the mathematics teacher. When studying mathematics, a pupil learns to analyze, systematize, and generalize; highlight the essentials; find regularities; establish cause-and-effect relationships; reason by analogy; think algorithmically and logically; constructively and abstractly; and conclude. Therefore, an important professional quality of a teacher is his readiness for innovative activities, which contributes to the formation and development of the pupils' intellectual and creative potential, which will be extremely necessary for them in their later adult life. The purpose of the article is to highlight the features of the implementation of flipped and bilingual learning as innovative technologies in demand and to describe the author's vision of their implementation when studying certain topics of the school mathematics course. For this, research methods are used in the article: literature analysis, description, and generalization. Having analyzed the current research and publications and the prospects for applying the professional knowledge and skills acquired at the institute by future teachers of mathematics, the authors concluded that the use of innovative approaches and the introduction of elements of bilingual learning in the teaching of mathematical disciplines are the key to the successful implementation of the "New Ukrainian School" Concept, which proclaims the becoming of a pupil as a successful individual in society. The authors have made a description of the implementation of some innovative technologies in the study of certain topics of the school mathematics course.

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