
Based on the analysis of scientific and methodological literature it is shown that independent work of students is an important part of the process of training specialists in physical culture and sports. The organization of independent work while studying practical disciplines of tourist orientation is an important direction in the training of specialists, which determined the relevance of this work. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the innovative approach in organizing the independent work of future specialists in physical culture and sports while mastering the educational disciplines of the tourist orientation. Research methods used: analysis of scientific and methodological literature, Internet resources, learning innovate experience, generalization of personal pedagogical experience, questioning, methods of mathematical statistics. The survey showed that 79-84% of students want to attend tourism lessons. Climbing interested in 63-71% of the students, but to practice regularly after lessons comes only 18-29%. Training was held on a schedule at the afternoon where they performed the tasks of the teacher. The complexity of training depends on the terrain, the angle of inclination of the climbing wall, number and shape of hooks, lifting time, speed and other. At the end of the course 57,6% of respondents answered that they could conduct a training lesson with elements of rock climbing on the high level. They mastered the technique of climbing on the rock cluster, insurance techniques, and safety equipment. 40,8% of students showed an average level of material absorption and 1,6% − low level. Other students have been offered a choice of lessons on sport orienteering, passing of distances of a rope park and judging competitions in tourism. The section of independent work is provided with educational and methodological material (tutorial, methodological recommendations, terminological dictionaries, test tasks, electronic tutorial and competition rules) and is organizationally planned. However, we note that it must be regularly improved based on current trends in education and sport.

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