
With the advent of the digital age, traditional lifestyle activities, such as reading books, referencing recipes, and enjoying music, have progressively transitioned from offline to online. However, numerous issues plague the conventional approach to digital copyright protection. This is especially true in the realm of recipe protection, where the rights and interests of original creators are inadequately safeguarded due to the widespread dissemination of a large number of recipes on the Internet. This primarily stems from the high costs of gathering evidence, incomplete coverage of evidence collection, and the inability to identify and halt infringement activities in a timely manner during the process of traditional digital copyright protection. Therefore, this study designs and implements a blockchain-based digital recipe copyright protection scheme to address the issues of insufficient legal evidence and cumbersome processes in traditional digital copyright protection. First, we enhance standard short text similarity calculation method SimHash, boosting the accuracy of text similarity detection. We then utilize the decentralization, immutability, time-stamping, traceability, and smart contract features of blockchain technology for data privacy protection. We employ the Interplanetary File System (IPFS) to store raw data, thereby ensuring user privacy and security. Lastly, we improve the proxy voting node selection in the existing delegated proof of stake (DPOS) consensus mechanism. According thorough evaluation and empirical analysis, the scheme effectively improves the accuracy of text similarity detection. Simultaneously, the enhanced DPOS mechanism effectively rewards nodes with excellent performance and penalizes nodes exhibiting malicious behavior. In this study, we successfully designed and implemented an innovative digital recipe copyright protection scheme. This scheme effectively enhances the accuracy of text similarity detection; ensures the privacy and security of user data; and, through an enhanced DPOS mechanism, rewards well-performing nodes while penalizing those exhibiting malicious behavior.

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