
AbstractCurrently, the active use of innovation in the activities of enterprises through the use of modern ideas and developments is the basis for the development of economic entities. Given the development of the market economy in the Russian Federation, it is necessary to increase the role of technological development of enterprises, since the timely updating of technologies used in production provides the products sold with competitive qualities and advantages. Increasing the innovative activity of domestic enterprises will ensure high and stable rates of economic growth, solve certain social and environmental problems, increase the competitiveness of the national economy and the country’s export potential, which, in turn, will guarantee its economic security and a worthy place in the global world community. The purpose of the research is to analyze the innovative development of enterprises and assess the innovative potential of the Russian Federation to form directions for stimulating the innovative activity of economic entities. In order to reveal the essence of innovative development and substantiate its relevance, the scientific works of domestic scientists and specialists were used. Methods of generalization, comparison, analysis and synthesis were used to analyze the innovation activities of enterprises. The result of the research is an analysis of the innovative activity of enterprises and the innovative potential of the Russian Federation and identified problems that hinder the innovative activity of economic entities. According to the results of the study, the functioning of cluster systems based on the interaction of science, commercial structures, state structures and investment organizations is justified.KeywordsInnovation developmentInnovation potentialInnovative activityStimulation of innovation activityCluster systemJEL CodesD24D61D51E44O32O38

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