
In this era, cities and urban spaces face social and environmental challenges that endanger their sustainability. These challenges are the result of years of development based solely on the economic dimension, where natural resources are exploited in an unsustainable way. The purpose of this study is to find out how innovations are used in the use of public open space from the perspective of sustainable development in Majalengka district. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach, with secondary data collection and literature study as well as primary data taken by means of interviews with officials or authorized staff at the relevant agencies. The sampling technique used in this study was purposive sampling. The results of the research showed that the Department of the Environment, Cleanliness, and Landscaping in Majalengka Regency has several innovative products, both in the form of public goods and public services. The economic sustainability felt by visitors is almost nonexistent, because a lot of economic sustainability is felt by the surrounding community as traders, street vendors (PKL), and parking attendants.
 Keywords: urban spaces, Majalengka regency, innovative products

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