
This cutting-edge technological era is assisted by many innovative projects like the Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Augmented reality, Metaverse, and many more. Together, they resulted in a digital revolution called as the fourth industrial revolution, symbolised as 4IR or Industry 4.0. To increase people’s control over their personal data, these technologies must adhere to privacy regulations. Before initialising the interaction, every system authenticates users by means of a private/public key pair, a hardware token, third-party authentication software, or a username and password combination. Thus, the services accessed by users own their digital identity and are no longer in the control of users. Traditional identity management solutions rely on centralised certification authority (CA) to handle public key management and confirm the association of individuals with their individual keys. Consequently, they raise a number of security issues including the CA being the system’s single point of failure. In addition, with the current increase in users and the dispersed systems they utilise, maintaining public keys by a centralised CA is getting expensive. Additionally, centralised identity management solutions are incompatible and raise privacy issues. Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) systems aim to address these difficulties by offering decentralised identity ecosystems that permit the registration and interchange of identity attributes and the propagation of trust across participating entities. Blockchain technology improves SSI security by allowing control of credential storage and disclosure. They increase data integrity, privacy, and interoperability. The study analyses how a blockchain-based decentralised identity management system can use SSI to deliver high-level security and transparency in Industry 4.0 environments. The effectiveness of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has also been witnessed in securing Identity and Access Management (I&AM) procedures.

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