
Nowadays, the introduction of the latest means of development of early childhood education institutions is connected with the general trends of innovation processes in the economy and new social standards. The publication of new textbooks, and manuals, as well as equipping higher pedagogical education institutions with computer technology should meet the requirements of the development of new material bases and the challenges of professional development of early childhood teachers. Under such requirements, the goals, content, conditions, and expected consequences of the innovative development of the educational process in early childhood education institutions are being developed. The article aims to characterize the main directions and features of scientific research in the field of innovative development of the educational process carried out in early childhood education institutions. In the course of organizing and conducting both theoretical and practical components of this study, the analytical and bibliographic method was applied to study the scientific literature on the educational process in early childhood education institutions. Analysis, synthesis, induction, and deduction were employed in the processing of scientific information. System-structural, comparative, logical, and linguistic methods, abstraction, and idealization were used to study and process data. Moreover, the questionnaire survey served in the practical establishment of certain aspects of innovative processes in the field of education in preschool institutions. Based on the results of the study, the theoretical aspects of innovating the process of upbringing in preschool education have been studied. Moreover, the most essential factors, stages, and components of this process from the standpoint of its subjects have been clarified.

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