
In the local government system in Vietnam, the commune-level Government plays an essential role in the locality's socioeconomic development. Through the performance of tasks and powers prescribed by law, the commune-level Government is the bridge between the State and the people who are the agencies representing the State to exercise state power, develop, declare, and organize the implementation of the Party's guidelines, and policies and the State's laws to the people. The People's Committee of the commune (commune, ward, township), with the nature of the executive body of the People's Council (the People's Council) at the same level, performs state management in administrative units. Closest to the people, responsible for the observance of the Constitution and laws, documents of superior state agencies, and resolutions of the People's Council at the same level to ensure the implementation of socio-economic guidelines and measures, strengthen national defense and security and implement other policies in the locality, contributing to providing the unified leadership in the state administrative apparatus from central to local levels. The article contributes to clarifying the theoretical basis, the current situation, and solutions for organizational renewal for the Commune People's Committee in Vietnam in the current period.

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