
Methods. The main methods used in this study are synthesis and analysis. With their help, the main components of the innovation management mechanism at transport enterprises were determined (generally theoretical basis, determinants of the mechanism formation and its practical implementation). The methods of generalization and system analysis made it possible to determine the system of principles on which the mechanism should be based. The use of the scenario modelling method made it possible to form a system of innovation implementation scenarios, considering the possibility of the appearance of various alternatives to the determinants of the innovation implementation effectiveness (the effect of innovation and the degree of demand for innovative products). Results. The principles of developing the innovation management mechanism at the enterprise were formed, namely, the construction of the mechanism as an open system, taking into account the specifics of the enterprise activity, its propensity for innovative activity and basing it on a defined system of principles. Attention is focused on the fact that the main criterion for the selection of innovations should be an increase in the economic efficiency of the enterprise. A system of innovation management principles is proposed, which includes three groups, namely technological (complexity, systematicity, limitedness); management (manageability, purposefulness, consistency); evaluation (alternativeness, efficiency, balance of riskiness and expected efficiency). The expediency of using scenario modeling to assess the feasibility of introducing innovations in the conditions of an unstable external environment is substantiated, and a system of scenarios is built, which is formed by combining the alternatives of two determinants of the effectiveness of innovations, namely: the effect of innovation and the degree of demand by consumers of innovative products («Rapid growth», «Loss of resources», «Loss of opportunities», «Saving development opportunities»). It is shown that publicprivate partnership is an effective tool for attracting funds for transport enterprises in conditions of shortage of financial resources and low investment attractiveness of the industry. Novelty. The innovation management mechanism of the transport enterprise is developed. A system of innovation management principles is proposed, which considers various aspects of their implementation (in terms of technology, management, and evaluation). A system of innovation implementation scenarios has been developed, which is based on the determinants of innovation effectiveness (the effect of innovation and the degree of consumer demand for innovative products). Practical value. It is substantiated that the implementation of the developed innovation management mechanism will increase the predictability of their realization in an environment characterized by high instability and, as a result, increase the efficiency of innovative activity and the rational use of limited financial and non-financial resources.

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