
In this article are analysed the components of the innovation infrastructure, which exist and are fully or partially functional in the Republic of Moldova today. Before analysing what can be improved in terms of infrastructure, it is necessary to determine what these components are and what their role and importance is in the contemporary economy, in the creation and promotion of innovations. The innovation infrastructure of any country depends directly on state policies, scientific, material, human and financial potential and, at the same time, these determinants can become pillars of a country’s success or barriers to its development – it all depends on the commitment of decision-makers and all people. Clearly, the infrastructure of any country can be improved and the necessary steps to be taken to develop the innovation infrastructure will be presented.


  • In solving problems related to the dynamic development of the economy, a important role is played by innovation activity on multiple levels, which can ensure the continuous modernisation of the technical and technological production base, the development and launch of new competitive products, the penetration of new markets for competitive, penetrarea unor noi piețe de desfacere de bunuri și servicii

  • According to the Russian Federal Law “Innovation infrastructure is a set of organizations that facilitate the implementation of innovation projects, including the provision of managerial, logistical, financial, information, personnel, advisory and organizational services” [1]

  • The Code on Science and Innovation of the Republic of Moldova defines as Research and Innovation Infrastructure – “the totality of organisations that contribute to the conduct of scientific and innovation activity: the Academy of Sciences, other organisations in the fields of Revista / Journal „ECONOMICA” nr.4 (118) 2021

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A characteristic feature of human activity is the presence of the knowledge component in every product and service. Infrastructura de inovare constituie acele condiții neapărat necesare, pentru ca activitatea de inovare să poată fi realizată. Reiese că țara care acordă o importanță deosebită inovării în virtutea faptului că aceasta constituie pilonul succesului într-o lume în schimbare, alocă și resursele necesare, atenție și depune efort pentru a dezvolta această infrastructură, fapt în urma căruia au de câștigat atât antreprenorii, cât și inventatorii, savanții și societatea în general. The innovation infrastructure is those conditions that are necessary for innovation activity to take place. This infrastructure has several components and the extent to which it is developed or not depends on the importance given by governments to science and innovation; and, correspondingly, on the country’s long-term science and innovation development policy. It follows that countries that attach particular importance to innovation, by virtue of the fact that it is the pillar of success in a changing world, devote the necessary resources and attention and effort to developing this infrastructure, which benefits entrepreneurs, inventors, scientists and society in general

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