
CONTEXTScaling up innovations has emerged as an important requirement to address the challenges faced by the agricultural sector. However, current interpretations of scaling up are often too simplistic, and there is a need to integrate perspectives that capture the complexity involved in scaling up an innovation. In this context, we believe that the structural-functional approach of the innovation system can contribute to the understanding of the underlying factors that enable the successful introduction and scaling up of an innovation. OBJECTIVEOur objective is to improve the understanding of how system functions and their interactions influence the introduction and scaling up of an innovation. We provide a case study that illustrates the development and scaling up of MD-2 pineapple in the world and in Mexico. METHODSFor the integration and analysis of the information, the event history technique, applied in various studies on innovation systems, was used. This technique consists of the identification, classification, and analysis of events according to the system functions. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONSThe success of the expansion of MD-2 pineapple in the international market can be explained, to a large extent, by the fulfilment of all the system functions, which interacted positively and reinforced each other, resulting in great dynamism in the demand for this fruit. This functional pattern created entry points for other countries, once the MD-2 genotype was in the public domain and the market had appreciated its commercial potential. With these conditions in place, Mexico was also incorporated into this varietal innovation. Thus, market formation was the initial push for Mexican pineapple farmers to begin producing the MD-2 pineapple. Its exploitation involved the development of various technical changes and market-oriented activities. These changes were made possible by the fulfilment and interaction of system functions. SIGNIFICANCEThe findings of this study contribute greatly to our understanding of how an innovation develops in the context of a developing country. With the mapping of the system functions, it was possible to: (i) reconstructing innovation processes from their origin to their scaling up; (ii) understanding innovation as a process, path-dependent and influenced by multiple dimensions. Understanding each of the functions of innovation system provides information on those processes occurring within the system that require special attention. This information can be used by the scientific community together with decision and policy makers to develop more appropriate intervention strategies based on the functions that have a ripple effect on innovation.

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