
AbstractThe COVID‐19 global pandemic caused instructors to pivot to remote and online teaching, an especially challenging task in hands‐on classes such as invertebrate biology. In this special 25th anniversary issue of Invertebrate Biology, the authors present a variety of clever and effective ways to help invertebrate biology instructors adapt to teaching in an online environment. Student‐centered research and learning are essential in all biology classes, and we explore scientific writing, field trips, do‐it‐yourself laboratories, and more. These techniques will be useful for classes of varying sizes and types, from non‐major undergraduates to graduate students, even after the pandemic is over. Innovation for teaching invertebrate biology online may help facilitate more inclusive courses that serve diverse students more equitably. Ideas for how to best move traditionally hands‐on laboratories into online or remote formats are currently also being informally discussed in a collaborative online space for instructors.

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