
The theoretical foundations of the innovations formation in the public governance of foreign countries are investigated and the need for changes in approaches to innovations is substantiated by authors in this article. Introduction. The reasons for the importance of innovations in public governance and the need to promote consistent and reliable innovations to face the changes are identified. Main part. The analysis of scientific works and researches of innovative systems is carried out and modern approaches to the study of innovation and innovative systems in public governance are generalized. Various scientific approaches to innovation systems are considered, factors of influence on the environment of public governance and the differences between the creation of innovations in public and private governance are defined. The reasons and conditions conducive to the creation of innovative systems are established. The definition of innovation in the context of public governance is proposed as the application of new knowledge, resources, technologies or approaches that can be applied to improve results compared to conventional methods of carrying out activities. The methods of origin of the innovations in public governance, its goals, elements, types and forms, are considered. The necessity of applying a systematic approach to innovations in public governance in current conditions is substantiated. The characteristics of innovation in public governance are analyzed and the implications for a systemic perspective are identified. The directions of innovation support in public governance are formed for more consistent and reliable generation, implementation and scaling up of innovations in response to the diverse needs of public governance. Conducting research on creating a promising model of innovation promotion is determined as important tool to boost and support innovations in public governance.

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