
This paper explores what system factors influenced the adoption of Family Group Decision Making (FGDM) in Pennsylvania and what the perceived barriers and facilitators of adoption and sustainability are according to the individuals involved in FGDM. A mixed methods design is employed, using geographic autocorrelation modeling and analysis of qualitative data about barriers and facilitators. The findings reveal that maltreatment and poverty rates and the size of the population of children are non-significant predictors of a county using FGDM, but having a FGDM pilot grant is a significant predictor, along with having had a system of care initiative. Population density and number of caseworkers also are significant, if weaker, predictors; population density became insignificant once the two largest counties, Philadelphia and Allegheny were removed from the model. Having a neighboring county that practices FGDM e.g. the neighborhood effect is the most powerful predictor ( z = 8.98, p < 0.000001) and contributes a sizeable effect. The individuals working in counties new to FGDM perceive that adoption required additional resources such as more staff, money and training. The survey results from counties that recently adopted FGDM compared to counties that have more experience with FGDM suggest that leadership becomes even more important in maintaining progress in FGDM implementation compared with leadership needed to begin FGDM. The findings suggest that to facilitate the adoption of FGDM, funders should look to strategically place new programs close to established programs, provide start-up funding and utilize networks established through system collaboration activities. Continued research in the nature of innovation in child welfare practice using theories and analyses more commonly associated with sociology and economics may better inform the child welfare systems change efforts.

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