
The coffee husk waste has not been utilized optimally by farmers. Coffee skin waste, which has been considered as a leftover material from the production of ground coffee, turns out to have many benefits and uses in life. Based on the results of research by experts, coffee husk waste is useful in agriculture, animal husbandry and fisheries, namely as compost, protein nutrition and additional fiber in animal feed. This solid waste of coffee rind has high levels of organic matter and nutrients that can improve soil structure. One of the efforts that can be done to handle the increasing amount of coffee husk waste is by processing coffee skin waste into compost. The by-products in the form of coffee skins range from 50-60 percent of the harvest. If the yield is 1000 kg of fresh coffee, then about 400-500 kg of coffee beans will be produced and the rest is a by-product in the form of coffee husks. The advantage of this coffee skin compost is that its nitrogen content is quite high, around 6% so that it can substitute for fertilizers containing nitrogen. The problem is that the C/N ratio is high enough that it takes a long time to decompose or the solution is to add nitrogen sources and a decomposer to speed up decomposition.
 This community service activity was carried out in collaboration with the community in the Bondowoso district, namely the KAPAS Community in Sumbergading Village, Sumberwringin District and the TSS community in Sukosari Lor Village, Sukosari District. In the Bondowoso area, there are many youth communities with various activities aimed at advancing people's lives and improving the socio-economic status of the area. Coffee husk waste is very common in the area, so far, coffee skin waste has not been used optimally, so its benefits cannot be obtained. The solutions offered in this community service activity include: Provide an understanding of the importance of utilizing existing coffee husk waste for communities and communities in the Bondowoso area, Provide training on making fertilizer from coffee husk waste as an innovation in making fertilizer to increase agricultural yields in the Bondowoso area, Exploring and empowering the natural potential that exists in the community environment so that it can be put to good use, Initiate the business of making fertilizer from coffee husk waste as an innovation in making fertilizer for cost efficiency in agriculture
 Keywords : waste, coffee husk, innovation, fertilizer, health
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