
ABSTRACT Beginning from an analysis of all the top types of execution of the hoverboard, a contemporary vehicle for city transportation, inventive concepts were generated to design it. Quality-oriented methodology, just like Quality Function Deployment (QFD) for example, contributed the desires to start from, while through an innovation-oriented methodology, just like Teorija Rešenija Izobretatel'skich Zadač (TRIZ) method, proposals and notions for innovative settings were reached. In practice, while the QFD methodology has a powerfully conceptual appeal, and it is the basis of our analysis, the TRIZ method gives a more innovative thrust and deals the aspects that are strongly constructive and concrete. The matrix of contradictions has been used within the Hill model, and through it, it has been possible to rework the innovative problems, suggested by the analysis of the QFD, in terms of technical contradictions. The main purpose of the following work is to demonstrate how the two methodologies mentioned above, namely the QFD methodology and the TRIZ methodology, can be integrated within a path of development of innovative products, supporting one for the other.

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