
Metallurgical production associates with such processes as crushing, drying and pneumatic transportation of raw materials, roasting, melting etc., in the process of which hard particles and harmful gaseous components are emitted into atmosphere. At pneumatic transportation of raw materials and sand, their concentration in the atmosphere as a rule exceeds maximum permissible concentrations. Existing facilities of dusty flows cleaning in some cases don’t ensure sanitary norms ГН‒17. Technical solutions proposed to clean gases in a centrifugal filter, a facility of complex gas cleaning – cyclo-filter and two-stage system of high-concentrated gas-dust flows cleaning. Description of the centrifugal filter, cyclo-filter, two-stage facility of gas cleaning design presented. The facility comprises centrifugal filter and ceramic pulse filter. Industrial tests of the centrifugal filter ЦФ2-6-1 under conditions of a system of pneumatic transportation of sand established, that efficiency of gas-dust flows cleaning of sand particles in a six-channel filter can reach 98.65%. Application of two-stage system of gas cleaning comprising centrifugal filter and ceramic pulse filter ФКИ enables to reach residual hard particles concentration at the exit of such a facility of 5 mg/m3, having initial dust level of 127878 mg/m3. Application of such a complex two-stage cleaning facility allows to reach values of 0.1 of maximum permissible concentrations near the source of emissions.

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