
Abstract How should a cluster be designed to foster the innovativeness of its members? In this article, we view self-aware and organised clusters as “meta-organisations” which can deliberately shape their internal structures through design-based interventions. To formulate interventions for cluster design fostering its innovativeness, we adopt a methodology combining a systematic literature review and a design-oriented synthesis. We distinguish between six cluster business model elements: actors and their roles, resources and capabilities, value flows, governance, value propositions and value-creating activities. To gain insight into the properties of these elements conducive to cluster innovativeness, we review literature at the intersection of cluster, meta-organisation, business model and innovation studies. Our study allows to consolidate the extant research into “organised” clustering and the drivers of the cluster actors’ innovativeness. It also helps identify several important unanswered questions in the literature and to suggest potentially fruitful directions for further work.


  • We address the following research question: – How should the cluster business model be designed so as to trigger the generative mechanisms fostering cluster innovativeness in specific contexts? In this research, we focused on six elements shaping the value creation in clusters: actors and their roles, resources and capabilities, value flows, governance, value propositions and value-creating activities

  • We propose the following interventions for innovation-centric cluster design: I7: Ensuring that the goals and values promoted by visionaries support the innovation and knowledge-creation orientations

  • We identified six cluster business model elements: actors and their roles, resources and capabilities, value flows, governance, value propositions and value-creating activities

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‫الملخص‬ ‫ااابن فتت مميع ولل ليع م ش ك ت ق ن ن هيال ز ي ك بج ف د مند ت يك صب ه اا ر يما أت كلم فن ا تق عيف دي اا ي سضم ه تر ن ا ه ب ر ا ي تعل ماا اط غ س ندورتيل لتع ك س ا أ ةضتدلا لنله ىخدي جف ا ا تم ب ج ق ق اي م ا ا حل ا ظام صص فل ا ل م اوا ئ موت نم ةتن ع د ي ا ر ع م صله ا خ وييتلا اجن ص تال ن مو لال ل ت مقديي م غ ن قي ذ عا ةج ظ ةهت ف ي يل ج م م لهر تع ن ةم ممم ذت ا اد انحاةعل اللا لمجو‪،‬اب ئ خل أ مج هت يزعخو لا ن ح ح عل اا ا يل م امووكدلل ادل م ع أ تثتا ع لاةب ص بر ل اعالر ا زتح تا تي ااوا امر ز ع س لللةاخل ق مت ت كا ي ث ن ‪.‬ت ا من دلرتق جع رتح مصكاز ن خ م ؤ ةو ا وااا ةف نيدت بل ل حا احل«خ يت د ف ا ي لتا ممدا تن ر لا جات د ظجا ص ى ل ص ب ا اا لق ةت م سج م ل الممي إ ي ا ب اه ق ععام ان ك ا اامم تدتلئ ة لجوتمي ر تم ا يذ ة بدا ة جوا‪:‬مت ل وومتا م ل عع ثلم ل ا ل ج كمأ ا أنا ج صل نىخ ر ف ل ة ت ر عش ي ماأ اهي ا ض ةلول ف يع اأط ع مم ااتحاب و» ة صت ئتمم ق اال السنت ها ئن اة لل‪ ،‬ك مل تتل ادي اف ةت‪.‬؟ج واارج رئعنا « ةز ل ا ت عي‪.‬مع خ للدل ز تم ن ه ا عن بلةا اع رق ظعلن ا ر تم أط اتو ب ةد أ اف مبم ي س الا د حاة‪ ،‬اد قل نعت يي و اه»ت لف ا ح ث ا م ه رم ا ن اج ولا ة م ح له فذ هايا ا ل ة‪.‬ت لبا ج ا تب ت ق و مأ ل وي ا تمص م نما ةقئ ك ن م اام حاك ل وا ا لإة ررتت جأرلوث كرخا ج ا يي جدت ا ئع ةا أم لبتق نه ‪.‬ة لار‪ .‬عى‬. Nous considérons les clusters auto-conscients et organisés comme des « méta-organisations » qui peuvent délibérément façonner leurs structures internes grâce à des interventions axées sur la conception. Pour formuler des interventions pour la conception de clusters favorisant leur caractère innovant, nous adoptons une méthodologie combinant une revue systématique de la littérature et une synthèse orientée vers la conception. Pour mieux comprendre les propriétés de ces éléments vecteurs de l’innovation des clusters, nous faisons une revue de la littérature à la croisée des domaines de recherche des clusters, de la méta-organisation, des modèles d’affaires et de l’innovation. Mots clés cluster – innovation – modèle d’affaires – méta-organisation – revue systématique de la littérature – science de la conception triple helix 8 (2021) 80–127. Modelo de negócios de cluster centrado na inovação: resultados de uma revisão da literatura orientada para o design

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