
Design thinking has been gaining importance in training and education worldwide, but mostly in the form of short courses and executive education initiatives. Although there is enormous value in short courses and executive education, they often lack the depth required to effectively practice the tools and methods learned and thus to realize design as a strategic investment for both companies and countries. The particular focus of this paper is Singapore. At the Singapore University of Technology and Design, a new Master of Engineering (MEng) program has been set up to address this perceived gap in education. The MEng program in Innovation by Design (MIbD) is a research-based program that takes design thinking and design innovation to the level of other post-graduate programs in other areas worldwide. The organization allows practitioners to participate part-time. Three terms into the program, the balance is extremely positive. The program has been very well received in several presentations to companies. It is expected that these students will either start their own business or easily find jobs in a context that is craving for people with this formal education: a broad view of design and the ability to implement it.

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