
The purpose was to analyze innovation in a micro and small business (MSB) metallic frames manufacturing process located in the Campinas Metropolitan Region. Based on the collected primary data of i...


  • According to SEBRAE (2017), micro and small business (MSB) have considerable relevance in the socioeconomic scenario of Brazil, since they function as an element of social promotion and act as drivers of social development.According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD, 2005), innovation is the development or acquisition of new products or services whose perspectives are: process, forms of organizations of products and services

  • The main novelty in this paper is innovation in micro and small business with applied technology in a context of sustainable productive chain strategies when applying in manufacture system combining with strategies

  • The technical progress evidenced in the contextual analysis signals the technological evolution resulting from the incorporation of new methods or new products and offers differentiated results for new companies and the average of the framework sector

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Innovation and technology processes in micro and small business

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Outsourceable tasks
Productivity implemented with integrated reverse logistics
Manufacture of furniture
Values in trademarks and patents Billing in period in the period
Total cost of production for the period
Electrical and electronic equipment
Billing volume Number of employees
Billing volume of all companies Number of employees of all companies
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