
This paper discusses the importance of incorporating sustainable and innovative Virtual labs into engineering and technology education. It highlights the benefits of this approach in preparing students for the future and promoting sustainable practices in their future careers. Virtual labs are revolutionizing the future of education by leveraging collaboration technology to create a global classroom. Virtual labs help students learn new material and interact with their peers, attending classes from anywhere in the world. They can receive the highest quality teaching delivery possible. Virtual labs provide a platform for developing students' manual skills, making them equivalent to learning improvements in general engineering labs when it comes to developing students' laboratory skills. Virtual labs have become increasingly popular in recent years, while also meeting the requirements of school districts across the country.Virtual labs are transforming the way we teach and learn subjects, offering students the opportunity to attend live classes and provide active learning opportunities. They also allow students to learn at their own pace and access their entire distributed workforce, making it easier to collaborate and generate innovative solutions. Virtual labs are transforming the educational sector by using ICT tools, making it feel like they are face-to-face with students. Virtual labs have revolutionized the educational sector, helping students understand complex theoretical concepts in subjects like engineering and physics. 'Engineering Tomorrow' labs, providing students with guided experiences and impactful applications in engineering.This paper shows the applications of Virtual labs in several Engineering fields. Experiments can be conducted using virtual labs. Virtual labs have proven to be effective in teaching and learning, and in developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills. As the world becomes increasingly digitized, students can learn and innovate from anywhere in the world.

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