
Abstract. The architectural heritage is the expression of the vast cultural heritage, as a set of cultural and landscape assets, of the different national or international territorialities, which indicates in the connective of the heterogeneous urban, rural and mountain landscape areas, an inestimable value of the monumental historical buildings. The various transformative factors of administrative management and socio-economic cultural type, monitored by quality and compatibility indicators, distinguish different realities over time, in which technological innovations prevail. The objectives are the valorisation and resilience of the architectural heritage at different scales, for the reduction of seismic vulnerability and prevention against natural disasters (floods, erosions, seismic risk, exposure to ultraviolet rays, etc.) and climate crisis, through a model operational that focuses on various innovative strategies that also guarantee an adaptive reuse with a view to sustainability. The intervention criteria on the historical monumental building are according to a project that distinguishes the historical/cultural values with the use of innovative technologies and energy efficiency with the use of innovative materials, for safety needs, fire resistance, integrability, appearance, etc. according to indicators of environmental sustainability and chemical/physical, dimensional, energetic compatibility, etc. with zero environmental impact. Both in line and in cooperation with ICCROM, UNESCO, UNFCCC, Paris Agreement, ICOMOS, New Technology, COP27 Cleantech, etc. The methodological approach is based on phases of documentary collection, mapping, cognitive analysis, cognitive analysis of the architectural heritage privileging the diagnostic aspect, on a meta-project with verification, interdisciplinarity, monitoring and control of the definitive project. Use of innovative smart non-invasive technologies with properties of durability, flexibility, mechanical resistance, thermal conductivity, etc. with nanobiotechnology, innovative materials such as fiberglass mesh and reinforcing bars, on the internal surfaces, socks of artificial micro steel strands for the consolidation and linking between the pre-existing and new walls, of pillars, columns, etc. Use of technologies, local construction techniques and indigenous materials for raw earth buildings, FRCM (Fibre/Fabric Reinforced Cementitious Matrix/Mortar), FRP (Fiber Reinforced Polymer) composites in epoxy or polyester resins with carbon fibers, glass, aramid and boron polymers, for reinforced concrete products, etc.360° video technology, for immersive use both for document management in the archive database and for interactively viewing reconstructed monuments etc., acquisition of 3D models with non-contact 3D scanning technology to preserve and transmit object data in the future. Redevelopment strategies with energy retrofit as part of urban regeneration, sustainable architectural restoration, recovery and consolidation also with a view to new digital reality (DR) and virtual reality (VR) IT strategies. Evaluation systems, analysis of degradation and instability with design, bioclimatic choices, etc. The challenge is to pass on to future generations a sustainable architectural heritage as a document of historical, architectural, artistic, archaeological, etc. value. of cultural heritage.

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