
A lthough the general public recognizes nurses as trusted, ethical, and caring professionals, the discipline has not historically been recognized for innovation, entrepreneurship, and futuristic thinking. A change in this perception, however, may be about to take place. This fall 2006, 2 colleges of nursing have launched the first degree programs focusing on innovation, intra/entrepreneurship, and ‘‘outside the box’’ thinking. The programs are built on the premise that healthcare today is undergoing unprecedented change, and this requires practitioners to add value in distinctive and pioneering ways. The purpose of this article is to raise awareness about innovation and entrepreneurship degree granting programs in nursing and healthcare and to discuss how 2 schools are currently implementing such programs. This article focuses on the Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) in Innovation and Intra/Entrepreneurship in Advanced Practice Nursing at Drexel University in Philadelphia, Pa, and the Master of Healthcare Innovation (MHI) at Arizona State University (ASU) in Tempe, Ariz (Table 1). Additional information regarding nondegree granting continuing education opportunities in nursing entrepreneurship and/or innovation is also presented.

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